Naked handsome gay men over forty

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I have 2 parents over 94, 2 grown children over 30, 5 grandchildren, a 13 Hi I'm Peggy and it is TUESDAY MAY 31ST 2022 and if you want to have aĪbsolutely TERRIFIC TUESDAY THEN CUM C ME. Thank you.Ĭheck out All My Links to my social media Please keep the phone conversation discreet. Please do not try to explain your genitalia to me over the phone.

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I can not discuss anything sexual over the phone. Please do not call me to complain about my location. I am located in the city of Detroit near 7 Mile and Mound. I will not judge you on your body, age or physicalĪbility. I like to take my timeĪnd go slow and gentle with tenderness. I’m sorry but the big guys just don’t fit me. Hi, I’m Carrie, I’m a senior citizen, sexy granny. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ABOUT ESCORT SERVICES ON MY FANSLY PAGE.

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