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Smartly written with a flexible aperture for capturing the big picture of a moment and narrowing in on the tiniest of details, the book pulls together far-flung original source documents from archives, memoirs, and a shrewd sense of political history and its corresponding tragedies. from the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration into the Bill Clinton years.

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Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington is a sweeping tour of D.C.

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In his new book, James Kirchick breaks those patterns and tells a robust and meaningful history of his town. history barely makes its way to the Korean War and most certainly not into Vietnam or even the Gulf War. That reliance on narrative is also why, for so many students, U.S. history teacher can spend weeks on World War II, part of the mythology that this newsroom’s founder, Henry Luce, dubbed “The American Century” in a 1941 Life editorial.

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Stories and arguments matter in history, and for most Americans, it’s why many a U.S.

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